Title | Author | Description |
stillness (saga part one) | wrythe | the eternal saga, half poetry half prose. Available in raw text form here |
Fourteenth Amendment and America | wrythe | Describes the Fourteenth Amendment and its impact on the present-day social conditions of Americans |
Planned Parenthood | wrythe | poem |
old | wrythe | poem |
Final Judgement | wrythe | lyrics |
Sixteenth Amendment | Separated7 | the truth of the American Income Tax system |
The authors:
wrythe is one who enjoys trapping his thoughts on paper from time to time, ranging from surrealism to current political events (wait - is there a difference?!).
separated7 is one who wanted to contribute his 16th amendment paper to accompany wrythe's 14th amendment paper. separated7 needs to send wrythe his paper. separated and wrythe agree on some things.
you could be here too. submit your work (or an abstract thereof if size prohibits casual distribution) to wrythe_apoc@hotmail.com